Treatment Hemorrhoids

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Constipation and Hemorrhoids Video

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

Hemorrhoid Banding Rubber Band Ligation Video

<a href="">LinkedTube</a>

Sunday, April 25, 2010

How To Treat Hemorrhoids Fast

Welcome to how to treat hemorrhoids. This particular lens is going to cover the top five surgical procedures that are used to treat hemorrhoids. The majority of the following medical procedures have been used to a varying degree of success. This lens will also cover the natural holistic approach to treating hemorrhoids which is proven to be fast and effective.

How To Treat Hemorrhoids Rubber Band Ligation AKA Hemorrhoid Banding

Rubber Band Ligation also known as Hemorrhoid Banding has been used in the treatment of hemorrhoids for quite some time. The purpose of the procedure is to wrap a rubber band around the hemorrhoid which in turn cuts off the blood supply and hopefully the hemorrhoid will shrivel up and die

How To Treat Hemorrhoids Injection Sclerotherapy

Injection Sclerotherapy involves injecting a special solution into the hemorrhoid which will cause the veins leading to the hemorrhoid to expand which in turn will cut off the blood supply to the area which will hopefully make the hemorrhoid decrease in size.

How To Treat Hemorrhoids Infrared Photocoagulation

Infrared Photocoagulation is a procedure where an infrared light is used to cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid which will hopefully result in the hemorrhoid drying out and falling off.

How To Treat Hemorrhoids Laser Coagulation

Laser Coagulation is a relatively new procedure however it works like all of the other so called surgical procedures by cutting off the blood flow to the hemorrhoid which in theory causes the hemorrhoid to shrivel up and fall off.

How To Treat Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoidectomy

Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure that leaves much to be desired. The doctor removes the hemorrhoid with a scalpel, cauterize device or laser. By removing the hemorrhoid hopefully all of the pain and discomfort will be removed but unfortunately the procedure itself is quite painful.

Hemorrhoid Miracle Product

Unlike the five surgical procedures just listed the Hemorrhoid Miracle product is able to cure your hemorrhoid fast and effectively. What is more important is by using the Hemorrhoid Miracle product the chances of your hemorrhoids returning is slim to none. With the before mentioned medical procedures it gets rid of the problem hemorrhoid but you are still at risk of developing more hemorrhoids in the future. This product has been used all across the world to a great response in both treating and stopping the development of future hemorrhoids.

Learn More About The Top Treatments For Hemorrhoids at

Bleeding Hemorrhoids

So, what causes bleeding hemorrhoids?

Typically, if the hemorrhoid is inside and bleeding, then it has been more than likely scratched by a hard stool passing through, or very rough and hard toilet wiping.

If the hemorrhoid is outside and bleeding, it's likely cause is wiping too hard, or too long, or using a very hard toilet paper - or any combination of those. The hemorrhoid is scratched and grazed in the process, so it's normally pretty painful and uncomfortable as well.

The third type of bleeding hemorrhoid is an external hemorrhoid that's bleeding. Now an external hemorrhoid is different to a prolapsed hemorrhoid. Whereas a prolapsed one is an internal hemorrhoid that has come out, an external hemorrhoid is one that exists solely on the outside - it's a ballooned blood vessel that has occurred outside the anus, but is still reasonably close to it. These hemorrhoids are typically felt as a hard lump under the skin, that wont go away.

When external hemorrhoids bleed, it's normally because you have significantly damaged the skin over it or them, e.g. by bashing repeatedly when riding a bike with a small narrow seat, or hard rubbing with toilet paper.

Anyway, the basic understanding of bleeding hemorrhoids, is that they are your every day, ordinary and typical hemorrhoids that have been damaged - scratched and grazed. As hemorrhoids are very bloated with blood, you can easily get blood coming out of them when they are damaged.

I know one war veteran who contracted malaria when he was overseas back in the second world war. The malaria affected his liver, so he was unable to have a hemorrhoidectomy to remove the hemorrhoids, as when the liver is damaged, operations can become quite dangerous. However, if you looked in the toilet bowl after he had used it, it would be covered in blood - lots of blood. Not a pretty sight and it made one realise just how anaemic - lacking in iron - one could become from having uncontrolled hemorrhoid bleeding. From this perspective, bleeding hemorrhoids, although not much to be concerned about normally, could end up causing other health complaints that are far worse than all their discomfort and pain.

So, what is the treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids?

Internal hemorrhoids that are NOT prolapsed, can have their bleeding stopped or controlled by increasing dietary fibre - either through food or supplements - just remember to consume water with the fibre source, so that the fibre can soak up the water, thereby causing the stool to become quite bulky and soft. Having a soft bulky stool is far less likely to cause bleeding and should give the hemorrhoids a chance to heal up from their scratches and grazes.

Using gentle wiping, a soft toilet paper or wet face cloth can also go along way to lessening the symptoms, particularly if the hemorrhoids are poking through or external.

There are also operations you can have to remove those hemorrhoids, essential oils and herbs that can either be applied or taken orally - follow the directions on the container.

Hemorrhoids and Constipation

There is not two more troubling words when talking about our digestive system than hemorrhoids and constipation as both are responsible for a ton of discomfort. When our body is constipated it leads to a ton of straining when attempting to move our bowels which may lead to the creation of hemorrhoids. The good thing is with a couple of diet switches we can solve both of these problems fairly quickly. In this article we will look at what causes hemorrhoids, what is responsible for constipation and how we can remedy both of these issues.

Hemorrhoids are basically a varicose vein in the rectum area that has become enlarged for a number of reasons. From too much consumption of processed foods to poor blood flow in the rectum region to straining during bowel movements are all believed to contribute to the creation of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids and constipation tend to go hand in hand for the more difficult it is to pass a bowel the more likely it will lead to swollen varicose veins that will cause pain, itching and bleeding.

Constipation tends to occur when our body is unable to achieve a normal bowel movement due to the stools become hard and enlarged. This can be due to a number of different factors ranging from not drinking enough water, a diet full of processed foods, not enough fat in our diets and the lack of roughage. In order to keep your digestive system happy and on schedule it is important to monitor what you are putting into your body.

The good news is that in order to cure both hemorrhoids and constipation it will require the same dietary fix. Processed foods are too blame as the ingredients to create this food type are full of a number of items that are not easily processed by our bodies resulting in a much harder stool which leads to constipation and the possible creation of hemorrhoids. By keeping your diet full of fresh organic food items and staying clear of the convenience food items will go a long way to making your bowel movements a lot more easier and will severely cut down on the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

Learn More About The Top Treatments For Hemorrhoids at

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Treatment Hemorrhoids Rubber Band Ligation

Rubber band ligation has been used as a surgical approach to the treatments of hemorrhoids for quite some time and depending on the research that you read the success rate ranges from fifty to seventy five percent. Rubber band ligation is used when a internal hemorrhoid is considered to be graded at the second degree mark. This is a day surgery and the recovery is typically three to five days as long as everything is successful.

Fast Treatment For Hemorrhoids

During the rubber band ligation procedure the patient lies on his or her side with their knees drawn up. The doctor uses a proctoscope inserted into the rectum to open up the anal cavity. A pair of forceps is then used to line up the hemorrhoid with a piece of equipment known as the Barron ligator which allows the surgeon to place a small rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid with the hope that it will cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid and the end results is the hemorrhoid will basically dry out and fall off. The use of rubber bands in the treatment of hemorrhoids goes way back in history with Hippocrates writing about tying hemorrhoids off with string in attempt to cure this rather painful disorder. After the procedure is over the patient goes home and is asked to not take any form of Aspirin for at least two weeks as the ingredients in Aspirin actual cause the muscles to swell and contract so the patient is told to use Ibuprofen for their pain relief.

The potential side effects of rubber band ligation can be pretty scary. Possible side effects include the rubber band slipping or breaking, bleeding, pain, anal fissure and a infection at the site of the hemorrhoid. The main problem with the rubber band ligation hemorrhoid procedure is that it may take care of the present hemorrhoid but does nothing to prevent more hemorrhoids from appearing in the future.

If you are looking for a way to get relief from your hemorrhoids, getting rid of your hemorrhoids and preventing future hemorrhoid breakouts in the future than I urge you to check out the free report provided by the best selling Hemorrhoid treatment on the marketplace the H Miracle. No surgery, no drugs and completely guaranteed to cure your hemorrhoid problems.

Hemorrhoid Treatment Injection Sclerotherapy

Injection Sclerotherapy is used for the treatment of small internal hemorrhoids that would not qualify for other treatments such as rubber band ligation. Injection Sclerotherapy is also used in a variety of other medical procedures where the goal is to cut off the blood supply to an area such as aggravated varicose veins. This hemorrhoid treatment is performed in the doctors office.

Fast Treatment For Hemorrhoids

The procedure of the injection sclerotherapy involves the patient lying on his or her side and the anal cavity opened with the use of a proctoscope. The doctor than inserts a chemical through a needle into the hemorrhoid. The chemical used causes the vein to harden which cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid and eventually (three to five days later) falls off. Injection Sclerotherapy is as effective as other surgical hemorrhoid treatments but the hemorrhoid needs to be pretty small in size in order to be a candidate for this particular hemorrhoid treatment.

Fast Treatment For Hemorrhoids

Even though this procedure is performed in the doctor's office the side effects can be pretty extreme ranging from the development of ulcers in the rectum to an allergic reaction to the chemical used to infection of the prostate gland and infection of the rectum area. As with most typical treatments for hemorrhoids the injection sclerotherapy will take care of the present hemorrhoid the majority of the time but it does not lower your chances of developing hemorrhoids in the future.

Fast Treatment For Hemorrhoids

If you are looking for a way to get immediate relief from your hemorrhoids, curing the hemorrhoids that are currently present and drastically reducing your chance of developing hemorrhoids in the future you need to check out the number one hemorrhoid treatment product currently available H Miracle

Treatment Hemorrhoids From Home

There are a number of factors that lead to the development of hemorrhoids but thankfully by understanding what causes hemorrhoids we can learn the treatments of hemorrhoids which you are able to do from home. There are three rather large areas that are responsible for the development of hemorrhoids that we will focus on in this article.

Fast Treatment For Hemorrhoids

The ingredients that are in the majority of processed food out on the marketplace promote convenience but unfortunately they also wreck havoc on our digestive system which will lead to an environment that encourages hemorrhoids. A simple treatment for hemorrhoids is to watch while you eat and try to avoid foods that are hard to digest for they lead to a harder stool which encourages straining during bowel movements which can promote hemorrhoids. Organic and fresh food are not only much healthier for you they will also lead to healthier stools.

Fast Treatment For Hemorrhoids

Unfortunately with the working environment includes a lot of sitting down in front of a desk and a computer. Hemorrhoids tend to develop faster in people who spend a good portion of their day sitting as the blood flow is not as free flowing as it should do. For the second treatment for hemorrhoids you need to make sure that at least once an hour that you stand up and do a few simple stretches that encourages blood flow which will not only help prevent hemorrhoids your back will thank you for it in the long run.

Fast Treatment For Hemorrhoids

The third treatments for hemorrhoids that you can do from home or your office is avoid the number of specialized hemorrhoid products that are available at your local pharmacy. The hemorrhoid relief products are exactly that in which they offer relief but do little to actually cure you of the problem which is the hemorrhoids that are continuing to grow. Instead of using hemorrhoids creams go back to the methods which has worked for years which is keeping the area really clean, improving your diet and making sure that you do not spend too much time sitting down. The best treatments for hemorrhoids is getting rid of the hemorrhoid itself for no hemorrhoid translates to no pain.

Fast Treatment For Hemorrhoids